Simplifying medical jargon is really important to empower people to take personal responsibility for their health.

— Joseph Ash Sakula

AI Hackathon

Demystifying medical data through simplified reporting

Vitality AI, a healthtech solution provider, aimed to demystify complex medical lab reports that often left patients confused. In pursuit of this, Vitality AI utilized artificial intelligence to devise a system that digitizes, interprets, and simplifies lab reports.

This innovative solution offered patients personalized summaries and intelligent recommendations derived from reputable medical sources as well as streamlining healthcare providers' operations to minimize time spent on repetitive consultations. Vitality AI successfully elevated patient comprehension, enhanced doctor efficiency, and encouraged personal responsibility for health through a scalable, user-friendly platform.

Team Members:


Product Manager


Software Engineer


Full-Stack Developer


Data Engineer

+2 Teams

Team Snapshot:

Tech Stack:

Azure, Python, React, Next.js, GPT


0 to 1, Prototyping, AI/ML, Data Modeling, NLP