Dream Kiddo weaves the metaphors and medical concepts to help children cope with the stress of hospitalization.

— Winston Green

AI Hackathon

Turning hospital stays into heroic tales with AI

DreamKiddo, a compassionate AI storyteller, transforms the daunting experience of hospitalization for millions of children in the U.S. It leverages cutting-edge generative AI to craft personalized narratives, easing the stress and isolation experienced by young patients. DreamKiddo uses text-to-text, text-to-image, and text-to-audio models to create immersive stories.

By intertwining real-life elements of the child's background, symptoms, and key people, it generates stories that uplift and offer support. This breakthrough solution paves the way for a patient-centric approach in healthcare, fostering better coping mechanisms, enabling meaningful conversations, and promoting therapeutic healing.

Team Members:


Product Manager


Front-End Developer


iOS Developer


Mobile Developer

+3 Teams

Team Snapshot:

Tech Stack:

Azure, Python, React, Next.js, GPT


0 to 1, Prototyping, AI/ML, Data Modeling, NLP